Free resource:

The TAG HR Consultant Guide

We understand that pursuing contract roles as a consultant within the federal government can be overwhelming, especially if you’re not familiar with the intricacies of government recruitment. To address this concern, we developed a Consultant Guide – a comprehensive resource to familiarize you with TAG HR’s recruitment process.

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What's Inside:

The hiring roadmap

A comprehensive overview of the entire hiring process for soon-to-be consultants.


How to update your resume according to the provided matrix, including a sample resume and checklist.


Tips on selecting the best references to advocate for you, your skills and experience.


Breaking down the interviews you will have and how to prepare for each so you know exactly what to expect.


The security clearance process can feel intimidating for first-timers. We’ve got you covered.


We've also included additional resources, such as a sample Matrix and mandatory & rated criteria.

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If you’re unsure what duties/responsibilities the position will entail, we can guide you through developing a comprehensive job description.

If you’re a candidate, please click here.

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